As a professional Lancaster wedding photographer i occasionally get asked this question. I personally shoot digital. Is that a bad thing?. No its just different to film. Film vs Digital is like Mac vs PC, Nikon vs Canon etc. Both have pros and cons. I just happen to believe that digital wedding photography suits my style more than film.
For me the greatest advantage of digital is the ability to shoot, shoot, shoot. The only downside is memory card space, and thats getting cheaper by the week.
Digital allows me to express my reportage stye of wedding photography without the worry of rolls and rolls of film. The ability to shoot 5 frames in a second ensures that i get that one shot that captures the moment. Sure 4 out of those 5 might not be keepers, either eyes may be closed or there is a strange facial expression, but with digital thats no problem, you simply press the delete button.
The other main advantage of digital wedding photography is the ability to post process, that simply means that i can take an ordinary image and apply effects to it to make it even better. Colour wedding photos transfered to black and white with the click of a button.
Have a look at these before and after shots, they show the power of post processing, not only in converting to black and white, but also the ability to change the composition.
When looking for a wedding photographer, dont get hung up on the film vs digital debate, simply ask yourself if their images portray the style of wedding photography that you are looking for.